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Welcome to Alva Senior Living

…where life will be better with friends in the country!

Alva Senior Living will be a place for those who want to get the most out of their senior years. A place where faith in God, hope for the future and love expressed through care, kindness and support are guiding principles.

Our goal is to give you a brighter, warmer future. You’ll receive the best of care along with comfort, companionship and congeniality. A caring staff will…

Our Promise to Serve by Giving

A helping hand when you need it.
Because we all need it.
Because it is hope for the future.

Is Assisted Living Right For You?

Making the decision to move to assisted living may help keep you healthier, safer and happier. Answering thirteen questions will help you

Considering an ALF

So, you’ve asked yourself the hard and honest questions. You’ve spoken to family, friends, and physicians. And you’ve made the decision to look into different care facilities. Now, you have to figure out which facility is right for you. How do you make that determination…

Faith and Aging

The fact of aging is undeniable and (ultimately) unpreventable. In the 90th Psalm, Moses (who lived to be 120 years old) tells us that wise people “number their days.” Wisdom admits mortality. Procedures, pills, and potions may keep us looking (and even feeling) younger for a while. But time moves forward at the same rate no matter what we do. That is, after all…